Wake up! Good morning America! Rise and Shine
Ron Paul! Save our constitutional rights
Ron Paul! Start a revolution
and break down illegal institutions
We don't want no war no more
bring our boys home to our shores
We don't want big government
Or the Bilderberg group that pays for it
The Federal Id means a police state
and Mr. Jefferson's rolling in his grave
when our names turn to numbers like 666
according to the gospel on implantable chips
The Patriot Act took our liberties
And there's no judge and no jury
Tapping our phones, breaking down our doors
waging on the people a civil war!
We work 3 jobs and bring home no pay
The IRS takes it all away
and we struggle, slave to pay the rent
So, Ron Paul for President
Ron Paul se opone a la guerra de Irak
Ron Paul: ¡Acabemos con la Fed! 25/02/2009 - Español
El Banco Mundial no es una organización dedicada al capitalismo o al libre mercado, sino al capitalismo corporativo dirigido por el Estado. El Banco Mundial promueve el comercio dirigido, mediante el cual, individuos y corporaciones conectados políticamente, se enriquecen a costa de la clase pobre y la clase media...